
Friday, August 16, 2013

Dictionary Love

Since starting this 365 day art project, I have found one of my favorite things to do is use dictionary pages in my paintings. The prompt was "Dictionary Love" today, so I felt like it was really twisting my arm to make this project. (there really should be a sarcasm font...)

I see some things I really like and really did just keep going, but I am not sold on the entire composition. For now, it works.

I used a childs' dictionary from 1966 and the paper is brownish, thin, and easy to tear. It was a fine dictionary in it's day, but it is very outdated. The word "recycle" did not even exist in this edition, so what better time than now to recycle it?
This morning, I painted some hot yellow pages for use later in the day.

I actually tore and wove some pieces together and glued them on the paper with matte medium. (another new favorite thing to do!) the glue dried quickly, so I started to paint. I used watercolors and I'm not sure if I'm finished, but that's okay.

Here are some of the pictures, probably in no particular order, but you'll get the idea.
Posting from my phone takes so long, but the voice recognition software makes it easier. If only I could arrange the pictures on my blog... I know. First world problems.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to paint today!

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