
Thursday, August 15, 2013

More Than Words

Creating art every day can sometimes be a real challenge. Honestly, up until June, everything was pretty much intuitive. I had been posting on the "Creative Every Day" website every week until the first week of June this year.

Through that website, I was able to find other people who were creating every day and also found the Daisy Yellow website. Tammy Garcia runs the website and posts challenges for artists to help keep the creative juices flowing.

I completed the "Index Card a Day" challenge and have moved on to the "Daily Paper Prompts". We are given just a simple word to get things going. Today the prompt was "words".

Man, oh man.

My life is filled with words and my brain is clogged with them so they have to be dumped out every day. I have been known to keep things that have words written on them from any place I have visited. I also have a 'problem' with keeping things. It's not to a place of hoarding, it's just sometimes I have a hard time letting go when I know I could use things for another purpose.

So, we're supposed to have company on Sunday, and trust me this is related. We have some major cleaning up to do and I have been working on my art supplies and crafting space for about a few weeks. However, today I used the things that I found close to me on the couch-

As an aside, I told my sweetie that I should write a tutorial about how to create art on the couch, including using a water bottle for watercolor painting and rinsing a brush. Lots of my supplies are at arms-length on the couch, but I digress...

While I have been de-stache-ing some of my junk, I've cut out words and things I might use for collage from magazines that I wish to recycle. I decided I have so many supplies that I can't stand to keep so much stuff around anymore, so I am giving these things their curtain call.

I told you it was all related- so here goes.

All that stuff I had piled up I just decided that I would put the prompt to work in a somewhat serendipitous manner... I was ready to use the words that I have collected and the prompt came at the right time.

I used some 140 pound watercolor paper and started pasting with a Smash Book pen/glue stick (best invention ever!). The words are probably the closest I really get to art journaling. My artwork resembles what a lot of people call backgrounds most of the time, and it might be a fear of writing on it, but it really is about the process and discoveries we make.

I'm really sorry I don't have pictures to show the process, but hope you'll be able to imagine what happened. I seem to have some uncanny bad luck when it comes to deciding when to record process photos.

After arranging and pasting down the words, I used the cap for a Dasani water bottle and poured a little water into it. (Yes, I really said a water bottle cap.)

Next, I added about three drops of neon pink acrylic paint. I mixed it a little bit, but didn't want it to mix completely. I really just wanted a light acrylic wash to unify the words and the composition.

At that point, I actually thought it was done.

About an hour later, I found that I wanted to use the cardboard spool for painters' tape as a sort of template for the black rings over the acrylic wash. In my mind it was sort of like seeing coffee rings, but in black. I drew the rings with the Pitt pen (M) and then created a border with a pre-cut mat by using the outer edges of the mat as a guide.

To get the melted black effect, I used a black Gelato very lightly on the inked rings. I used a nice synthetic round brush for blending the Gelatos. haha- I just realized it's the same type of brush I use for concealer on my eyes...

There's a little bit of extra color in the border where I used Gelatos again.

And that's it! I'll try to be better about taking process pictures. Let me know if you try it!

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