
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Stitched in Time

My sweetie came home from Detroit today. We got groceries, came home and just hung out for a great Saturday night.

The weather here has been magnificent and we used the grill for a backyard barbecue, had some summer cocktails, and truly enjoyed each others company.

Summer nights are the greatest!

Our two dogs, Buck and Louis, were specially happy to see my sweetie come home. They jumped and barked, barked and jumped and jumped some more. Louis sounds like a monkey sometimes- he screams for us! All told, I know they were happy to have us all together.

The prompt for Daisy Yellow is "stitches" so I tried to make some fake looking stitches. Truth be told, I just need to get that machine out and start playing around with it. I know I will be addicted to it once I start... until then, Pitt pen will do. The painting is just watercolor on cardstock. I wanted to paint a picture of how I felt tonight- peaceful and happy.

And the doggies on the side? Buck is the big one (20 pounds) and Louis is the little one (10 pounds)... I'm hoping to include them a little more often in my artwork.

And speaking of Buck, he has come over while I'm typing and let me know it's time to go to bed.

So, sweet dreams everybody!

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