
Saturday, August 10, 2013


"Do you have a business card?"

Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that. It's so frustrating knowing I need them, but not knowing what I should use for a design. I know there are companies out there who make their living from finding designs that work for everybody, and who will deliver a product for very little money. But I'm looking for something special- I just want my business card to be special. 

As it turns out, I think the results of today's "games" prompt, from DaisyYellow, will be the new design of my business card. I didn't set out to make a design for that tonight, but as I thought about what game to represent for my drawing, I thought no further than the fabulous word game I'm completely addicted to- Scrabble! 

Well, to be completely honest, it's really Words with Friends, but the concept is the same and I've always liked the feel of those wooden tiles in my hand. I don't even want to think about a copyright issue, as I'm sure there is one, but a girl can dream right?

I used 140Lb. watercolor paper, Real watercolors (left from Grandma) and Pitt pen in Super Fine. I used pencil and a ruler to develop point-perspective for the tiles.

Funkycaine is the name I came up with to sell my jewelry and homemade art. So I guess it's only appropriate that I spelled it out with those tiles. I will just keep dreamin'.

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