
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Too Many Leftovers

Doing my part to recycle means I have piles of clutter everywhere. I find it is a "Catch 22" because I want to help out the environment but I also want to keep a better organized house.

The prompt of "leftovers" was pretty easy for me to find ephemera to complete the project. I have started clipping things for collage and had a pretty good stockpile from which to pull bits and pieces for my composition. I am happy to finally have put some of this "junk" to good use.

When I wrote, "The ordinary can be made extraordinary", I thought I was being all prolific and everything. A Google search brought up the fact that it has been said before, in a way, by Nicholas Sparks. I guess great minds think alike after all!

Composition is made from watercolor paper, acrylic paint, gouache, tissue paper, bric a brac, glue, and white gelli pen. I also used pieces of acrylic painted dictionary pages.

Tomorrow it is time to throw out the leftovers and start anew. I will recycle what I can, but my art table is in need of a renewal. It is time to create the "main dish" again, so I can have more leftovers!

Here's to a full bin :)
Happy creating!

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