
Thursday, August 8, 2013


This morning started with a visit to my doctor. We talked about some of my concerns and I was put at ease because the things that I thought were out of order turned out to be not so bad- and he cautioned me against trying to connect too many dots.

The doctor made an analogy about the ocean and how deep some some places in our lives can be and we just don't know what's out there. To that, I said, "yeah just like the megalodon."

For those who don't know, the megalodon is a giant pre-historic shark that has been featured on the Discovery Channel "Shark Week" this year. Currently,  it seems at least one still exists and can dives to depths greater than 5,000 feet.
Hence, my analogy.

I told the doc I had just learned about that term this week on the Discovery Channel, and he said he had watched the same show. I guess that wouldn't have been a very big deal, except the fact that he said he rarely watches television. It was just interesting that we shared the same experience about the megalodon and he really did understand my reference. The fact he listened to me in the first place is what I like about this doctor- a lot.

Doc gave me some ideas of where to turn for my next steps towards finding some answers to some really deep health questions- my very own megalodon.

The experience sat with me for the rest of the day and I contemplated how it could be represented on paper. I stopped thinking so much and just started playing with watercolor and cutting old tubes of them apart so that I could use the real stuff Grandma left behind for me.

A good thing happened-
I got lost in the deep sea of creation and really enjoyed the process of putting color on paper. The best discovery I found was the white watercolor. The Daisy Yellow prompt for the day was "fade" and white helped me fade some of the brighter colors into some really fun composition.

The Sara Bareilles song, "Brave", kept running through my mind, especially the line, "Say what you need to say- just let the words fall out." I did that today. "I want to see you be brave," was the response the doctor had for me today. It is time to figure some things out.

With that in mind, the prompt for today was "fade". I didn't want to rip off Sara Bareilles, so I worked on my own twist.

"Don't let your bravery fade."

This is so important and also my intention. Sometimes it just slips away and lots of things clutter up our heads.

It's time to be brave.

Cheers to good health!


  1. Kim,this is truly an outstanding example of how art journaling have worked through something so personal and gotten the message from within you....and to be able to share it with us is brave too. Keep working at the problem, give it everything you have. hugs

    1. Thank you, Harriet! Art is so much of my daily life now. Thank you for your words of encouragement!


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