
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Reuse it

Today was the first depot event for reMake, a Meetup group I belong to here in Southern Orange County. There was a garage sale, but also plenty of reuse-able supplies teachers could use in classrooms for lessons and crafts.

I created a couple of signs for the event, but I didn't get pictures of them- and I don't know why....just busy, which is a good thing, I guess!

There was a magenta glitter crayon thug was sparkling up at me- like Harold's purple crayon? Well, it had to come home with me. It was used as soon as I got there on some brown kraft paper, acrylic paint and acrylic spray. I intend to use the painted paper for collage and a special journal cover for a friend.

Later in the day, I had art with the neighbor girls and we used some donated clay. It was tough to work with, but we still had fun trying to make it into something with kneading and cookie cutters. It isn't perfect, but neither is art.

We had fun-all of us, all day, and that is most important.


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