
Monday, November 11, 2013


It's time.

I missed a deadline to post, but it was wholly necessary. My creative batteries are low and in need of charge. The way I have found to do this is by resting.

The past week has been filled with "run here, do this, sign that, drive there, test this," and, you get the picture. I am fortunate enough that today I had the opportunity to wind down.

Sunday is a day of rest.
I took it for all of its worth.
I slept.
And cleared my mind.
I talked with an old friend.
I went grocery shopping with my sweetie.
Slept some more after laundry.

It was a good day.

In times of transition, it is necessary to take stock in recharging batteries. Find what it is that will help do that and follow through.

I am thankful for today and ready for tomorrow with plenty of smiles and whatever the week will bring.

Charge it up!

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