
Friday, December 13, 2013


It's all fine and good to have chocolate until your dog eats it.

I had purchased some semi-sweet chips to make hot cocoa for art day tomorrow with the kids. I left the bag in a box near the door when I got home today. As usual, I got distracted because I was so happy to have found a place for our pooches and a house-sitter while we are on vacation.

I took two eager dogs on a walk, returned to feed them, and then went on my way to dinner.

When I got home, I let the dogs out and gave them treats. We were just settling in for a long winter's nap when Louis threw up on the couch. It smelled like chocolate and I freaked out!

Poor Louis was shaking and I got up to find the only possible chocolate from that bag I brought home only to not find it anywhere. I'm still searching! I've looked it up and it seems like he will be ok now, but it scared me- and the hallway where he repainted in chocolate...

I hope he is ok. We will visit the vet in the a.m. goodnight, all!

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