
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Little Blessings

For those paying attention, the pooches are doing much better today. It seems BOTH of them ate the chocolate. I found out on our walk today...
I am so glad Louis is ok. He is such a tiny dog and all that chocolate is not good at all for him. I wonder which of the dogs was the instigator? My guess is Louis put Buck up to it, but Buck is playing like it was all his idea. Rgardless, the two dogs are sleepy, but also up to eating their Milk Bones and doggy foods. They are fine.
We had art day with the neighbor girls today. We decorated cookies! The picture is just below the "angels" piece. It is so much fun to laugh and be creative at the same time. I wanted to have hot cocoa, but the pooches ate my chocolate chips last night. We had "vanilla milk" instead. The kids were so happy with the flavored milk and drank it up quickly. Each of the kids had six cookies to deocorate and the results are in the picture below.
I'm shamelessly plugging Trader Joe's Sugar Cookie Baking Mix Kit. The dough mixes up quickly, the cookies took very little extra flour to roll out, and the frosting comes with the kit. Wait, there's more! The kit also includes decorating sugars. These were so fun to make and I will be making some with my niece and nephew in just a week. Great timing!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. Have a wonderful week!
What a week!

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