
Monday, December 9, 2013

Exhausted Heart

The past week has been so busy and it is catching up with me. While walking this morning, flurries of thoughts were running through my mind when I lost my balance and fell to the ground. My ankle has swollen and bruises decorate my left knee and palms.

Later, upon leaving my "first" school, my car wouldn't start. This, after finding raccoons had gotten in it the night before because the driver's side window doesn't go up all the way and I'd left marshmallows inside, just added to the excitement. Ugh. I was able to get a jump and move on to Laguna Beach.

My science group made polymers today. It was fun being able to laugh at the slimy goo made with poly vinyl alcohol and sodium borate and a little paint for color. The kids made me smile and I got the weekly view that is the only cure for the "Mondays."

The art is just a start- my intention is too go back in with more details in the next couple of days. If you are following the blog, tasty means you'll probably want to check back in a couple of days to see the progress.

As for now, I'm posting and going to sleep. Again. (The first time was a few hours ago on the couch....)

Thanks for stopping!

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