
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Good Cheer

Spread good cheer!
Not just this month,
But throughout the year!

After a crazy Monday, today was much better. No tripping, dead batteries, or poor favor. Instead, I packed up and sent done Etsy orders from the past few days.

I like the shipping process and the self-serve machine has been my friend for ages. I love being able to do all the work if it means not having to stand in a line of peeps... So today was like any other.

However, at our post office, people are very rude when it comes to the parking lot. Honestly, the parking lot setup is probably the worst I've ever seen and it exists here in the town where I live. People will honk at someone trying to back out of a space. It can get very loud and distracting just getting into the building.

I have to admit I was ready for a confrontation upon entry into the building. But, I would be next behind a woman with a huge box that was just big enough to fit in the mail bin. The customer seemed nervous because she had and the mail attendant walked off again. I told her if she needs help, I could help her a little.

so, as the screens came, she passed through without a hitch. She hugged me and thanked me foot helping her without any hitches. I feel like I did nothing, but those are the kind of gifts I love to give.

It was the kindness.
The "vote of confidence", as she put it.

And so as I type this blog entry on my phone, I want to let you know my time has come to get my computer fixed! I can't wait!

It has been at last six months.
I wasn't tired a half hour ago when I started this post, but I just dropped the phone because I'm drifting to sleep.

Good night, and GOOD CHEER!

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