Maybe it IS writer's block.
It's not to say I haven't had interesting things to write about, or inspirational moments to ponder, but the words seem forced lately, so I've taken a break. Plus, until I figure out a way to start writing in the morning or afternoon, I will have the added obstacle of falling asleep before my work is done.
THAT is embarrassing. Falling asleep on responsibility.
Yes, it is my own responsibility forced upon myself, yet it is mine and I will make it so.
Yesterday and the night before, I helped make some cards to send overseas for service-people to send to loved ones for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Birthdays. We used lots of materials that were donated, re-used or simply in our own possessions that needed to be used rather than collecting dust. After a bit of creating, I was somewhat elected to write the greetings on the cards by hand. It was like throwing me in the briar patch! The evening went well, but we didn't make nearly enough cards.
While sorting through embellishments and decorative papers, I came upon this little pack of metal plaques. It has some simple quotations that have kind of summed up so much lately. I hadn't planned on using them, I just wanted the quotations and the picture was born.
I've been using that camera on my phone for so much lately. Not only have I been using it to collect simple information like the quotations, but I have also used it to tutor former math students in Las Vegas. Well, sort of, anyway. While at my friend's house the other night, I got into a math problem and realized I needed more information in order to help her and not put her over the mathematical edge because the picture I sent wasn't enough. She could see I didn't know all of it. I was embarrassed for falling asleep on responsibility, again.
I told her, "if you don't use it, you'll lose it" and she replied, "really??" Then I'd really done it. I confused her and scared her both in the same five minutes. Ack! So, since I was 'tutoring' and making cards at the same time, I did my best, but my concentration was not 100% and I had to refer her to a good friend of mine who teaches the level of math the former student is taking from another school. It felt like failure.
But it was indeed confirmation that multi-tasking really does not work for me. I need to focus on the one thing at hand, especially when writing, if I am to get any real intelligent work done. Just ask my sweetie! He's been asking me questions while I finally get to typing and I've been less than pleasant back to him. Man. And that proves falling asleep on responsibility really affects other parts of my life, as well.
Next is the black and white watercolor painting for the Creative Every Day Challenge. I can honestly say, even though there was no painting on the blog post, all of the pictures I posted have been considered for this month's challenge to be turned into paintings. There are at least seven days left of this month.... We'll see.
The watercolor painting was created with Prang Watercolor in black and the "sword" brush in the picture below it. I realized I wanted some new brushes to find out how different types work and they were on sale at Michael's this week. I bought four.
Honestly, I've been working on the mug for a few days now just layering on paint as it will take it. I like the finished product and will be selling it on Etsy. The link will be posted on Monday. I love re-purposing ugly mugs into artful mugs. Lots of people like to find the "perfect" mug, and I hope somebody will think this is the perfect one for their self.
Looks like I've only half-fallen asleep on responsibility.
And yes, I know there are better ways to photograph my work. It's just that my little phone delivers pretty good results for my very important responsibility of simply creating art every day. It is a very nice tool and I love it very much, but not as much as my sweetie who provided it for me. My sweetie is the best. Absolutely.
Spring is here in Southern California and I've been soaking it up as much as my guilty self will allow. The air has the perfume of flowers, the birds chirp and fly maneuvers above our heads, baby hummingbirds have hatched outside my front door, and I found these flowers on the walk through the park today. If anyone knows the name of the tree these come from, I'd like to know. If nothing else, they look like the possible inspiration for Seuss's "The Lorax"? Very interesting, indeed.
Responsibility delivered.
I will put the bat away and fall asleep.
For real, this time.