Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today was great. I learned so much and met such great people!  One of my good friends asked me to come along to a Felting MeetUp. I was so happy she asked and now I have another arty-obsession. Who cannot smile at these fun pieces? I had such a blast. 
The images here are about wet-felting and needle felting. I tried to get a good indication of the process and have a starting point for some kind of tutorial, if anyone's interested. We actually placed wool fibers around a plastic egg, wet the egg in warm soapy water, squeezed the air bubbles out and repeated until the new "fabric" was strong enough to cut and release the plastic egg. After the egg, I needle felted the little rabbit. It is so fun to see "things" appear when the fibers criss-cross to make something- it really is like a little sculpture.

I am here once again while my eyes fight me. I had the best of intentions to get the blogging done earlier in the day and here I am again posting late at night. Well.....
Who wouldn't smile with these babies?
This table shows all the projects made by the MeetUp participants.

The Hostess's home had huge Wisteria plants in bloom. They smelled so sweet and heralded the spring like none other.

 The painting really was started early this afternoon. After my friend asked me to share dinner with her family, I made another bunny for her. I finished the painting after dinner and promised myself a nap at about 10:00. Ha. I woke up at 11:58 - Enough time to post for the date! Thank goodness. 
Now, I am back here typing through the cobwebs of my eyes. 
Truthfully, it was a beautiful day. Just gorgeous. 

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